Proverbs 23:16 NKJV
Yes, my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak right things.
Proverbs 23:16 NKJV
God takes delight and rejoices over every right word we speak. This is because words shape our life and it gives life to our thoughts and dreams.
God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for us so that we will have the best life as His children. Best not in a worldly standard that is temporal but according to His standard that is eternal.
God has given us the power to speak life or death. He rejoices over every word of life we speak because we speak Him into our lives.
We put God first when we speak according to His plans.
We honour Him when we speak according to His Word.
We worship Him when we speak life.
*God is life and the words we speak tells us who we worship.*
If we say the wrong and negative things over our life or the lives of others, we are speaking death which means we become a slave of satan.
If we speak the right things then we live as His children in His image and likeness.
What are the right things?
They are the words according to the word of God, which are spirit, and which are what Jesus has purchased and clothed us with.
This is what brings perfect joy to our Father in heaven when we reflect Him in our words, actions and in our lives.
If we want to touch the heart of God, then we ought to speak what He would speak in every situation in our life and around us.
We are God's candidate to speak and spread His fragrance, His seeds and His love in this hurting world.
Let us not get caught up with the flaws of the world but get caught up with the perfect love and purposes of God by speaking His language.
Ambrose Francis