Matthew 23:2 NKJV
saying: “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat.
Matthew 23:2 NKJV
Jesus spoke to the multitude and His disciples about the law and grace. He said that “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat.
Those who sat in Moses' seat had chosen to sit under the law. Yet Jesus has seated us under grace as Jesus has raised us up to sit together with Him, as it is written in Ephesians 2:6 - raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
The Scribes and the Pharisees have chosen their seats. They settled for the old covenant law that showed sin. This is the reason they went around and condemned people.
The law only sees sin and to expose them. This is where the Scribes and the Pharisees have chosen to sit.
We as a believer in Jesus have been given a place to sit in Christ which is in the heavenly place by His grace.
Grace only sees Christ and His finished work on the cross. Grace causes us to see goodness, mercy, kindness, love and the likeness of God our Father.
This is the place that God our Father has chosen for His children to function from. We need to function from our position in Christ.
Everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, which is in the law, puts people in bondage. We must cast it down because that is not the likeness of God.
We must remember who we are, the position of where we are sitting which is within the heavenly places.
Remember to see everything through His eyes.
Yes, we see it through the finished work of Christ.
Let us examine our choices and decisions from the seat that is in Christ Jesus.
Ambrose Francis