Mark 12:17 NKJV
And Jesus answered and said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at Him.
Mark 12:17 NKJV
The Pharisees ask this question not because they are interested to learn from the answer but to trick Jesus so that they can have the evidence to punish Him.
Nevertheless, what Jesus said blew every evil and every evil plan away.
They all marveled at Jesus's answer.
When we stand for the truth in all that Jesus has done for us, we will face people, institutions and belief systems that would want to trick and accuse us of harming people.
Just like the Pharisees and Saducees, they are always twisting and manipulating the truth for their personal gain.
Jesus, on the other hand, answered out of the wisdom and knowledge of God.
We are all blessed with the same Holy Spirit that dwells in Jesus and the same wisdom that flowed through Him.
We don't need to fear the tricks of the enemy for God who is wisdom and knowledge that dwells in us will speak through us as we remain in Him.
Believers in Jesus are usually the target to be criticized when they stand in the truth exposing the lies, the lust of the world and its pleasures.
When the light of truth shines, all evil is exposed to its core, and evil will get caught of its greed and pride.
Let us be bold in Christ trusting that in every testing time God will speak through us for we have the mind of Christ.
Ambrose Francis