Matthew 6:21 NKJV


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 6:21 NKJV

A treasure that is priced does not carry a value that is based on people's desire, passions or wants but it does carry the value of desire, passion or work towards those who desperately want it.

If we desire something so much, we would automatically do everything geared towards what we desire.

If we have put a value on something above the other, somehow we will put the agenda of that which we value above everything else.

What we value most will eventually recruit our mind, heart, strength and resources to get it.

If we put God and His righteousness first in our lives above all else then this value or treasure will alter, redirect our focus and attention towards Godly directions.

What is the most valuable treasure in our life? If we can compare everything we have with that treasure, then we can know what we value more.

We live in a world that wants to put their value on us so that they can get benefits from it. There is so much false value we build up because of greed, lust and pride.

God can change that for us because the One who restored value to us is our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is Jesus who gave us true life by freeing us from death and the bondage of satan. Jesus put a value on each one of us by giving up His own life.

Because of this, we all can put Jesus as our highest value, the treasure in our life. When we do this intentionally, then we will see our hearts, minds, and resources come together to receive that treasure.

Let us treasure God, His love and all that He has done for us above all else.


Ambrose Francis


I Corinthians 10:13 NKJV


II Timothy 2:5 NKJV