Proverbs 27:5 AMP
Better is an open reprimand [of loving correction] Than love that is hidden.
Proverbs 27:5 AMP
Correction or to be reprimanded is to bring about the right alignment to the truth so that we can get back on course. When we are corrected, we are set back on the right track to achieve our dreams and goals.
Coaches and leaders are there in our life to guide us and help us to focus on the path to success. Above all, we have the promises of God to direct our paths to abundant life.
But not many appreciate reprimand or correction because it goes against our pride and we feel we are being robbed of our dignity or identity.
But the truth is when we are reprimanded or corrected according to the promises of God, we actually gain our identity and be proud of who we are in Christ.
When we are corrected, we become better, stronger, wiser and more confident in our lives.
How many of us truly live to be reprimanded?
If we can learn to submit and lay down our lives, then we can be growing faster than those who refuse to be corrected.
For the one who is bringing the correction should have only one motive and that is to build that person into their destiny in God.
We are to bring correction in love and in the grace of God. It is absolutely not a punishment but an absolute restoration to who we are in Christ Jesus.
When someone brings correction, thank them for their boldness in stepping out to show us the way.
It is more difficult to bring a correction than to love in silence. To be silent to the people we are nurturing when they are going the wrong way is not love
True love is lovingly showing them the way.
Let us appreciate corrections and be bold to bring correction in the love and grace of God.
Ambrose Francis