Acts 10:42 NKJV


And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead.

Acts 10:42 NKJV

Peter speaks out of the authority and power that God had given to them to preach. With such assurance, Peter spoke of Jesus Christ the Author of life.

This is the confidence the apostles had in Christ. What Christ Jesus had commanded, they carried it out in faith.

They did not value the threats that surrounded them but they valued God and His commandments more than anything that is surrounding them.

Jesus is the judge for all mankind. In Him we will be judged as holy and acceptable but without Christ, we all will perish.

The same assurance and confidence that the early church had need to be restored back into our life as a believer.

We need to spend time to be mentored, coached, disciplined and act upon all the promises that God has given to us.

Just as God had commanded the disciples to preach the message of Christ, we too need to preach and share with such assurance of the gospel of Christ.

This is the only hope that mankind has for eternal life and we have been entrusted and appointed to be the one to deliver this message of Hope.

Let us rise with confidence in Christ and be the mouth of God to all who are in need of this message.


Ambrose Francis


I Corinthians 3:6 NKJV


Acts 18:13 NKJV