I Corinthians 3:6 NKJV
I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase.
I Corinthians 3:6 NKJV
Paul was addressing the Corinthians who have set their minds on the carnal things instead of pursuing God and His promises.
Growth as a believer does not depend on how long we have been a Christian but how much God has revealed to us is being put into practice.
The simple law that Jesus gave to us is to love the Lord and love people. Having this as our motivation and goal will eliminate carnality and promote spirituality in Christ.
The ultimate focus for us to live in the blessings of God is not about how much we have done or under who we have done it but it is Christ Jesus, the source of all things.
All glory and honour belong to Jesus because at the end of every work it is God who gives the increase.
This is different from the system of this world. Most people get to reach their goals and dream because they know some people at the top.
But success in the kingdom of God is knowing the Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
Paul encourages us to keep our focus on Christ and His promises instead of getting entangled with the cravings of the world.
Let us do everything unto the Lord for it is He who has, is and will bring the increase into our lives.
Ambrose Francis