I Corinthians 6:17 NKJV


But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.

I Corinthians 6:17 NKJV

God restores everyone that receive Him as Lord and Savior to be one in Him. If we see ourselves in the Spirit, there are no two persons but one and that is Christ Jesus.

This is who we are as born again believers in Christ Jesus. We move in Him, live in Him and have our being in Him.

This is the revelation that Paul declared that it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and Paul lives it by faith in Christ.

Think about what does that make us, to be one in Christ. The world is waiting for this to be realised in every believer.

There is a need for healing, restoration, for the perishing to be saved and to bring back the identity of who we were made to be - Children of God.

We need to believe that we are one in Christ and start to know Him and make His desire our priority then we will see the unspeakable joy flood our lives and live in the fullness of God.

All this is done by faith. Faith in all that Christ restored for us. By faith we speak as Christ would speak, spread the good news as Christ spread, cast out devils and healing the sick as Christ would do.

Our trust is not in who we are in the natural but who we have become in Christ. We are supernatural beings, made as one in Christ.

We need to rehearse who we really are. How do we do that? By believing as Christ is, so are we.

As we read and see through the scriptures what Jesus has done and all that He has instructed, we exercise these things.

Let us rise as one in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Ambrose Francis


Colossians 2:2 AMP


Hebrews 5:14 NKJV