II Thessalonians 2:15 NKJV


Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle.

II Thessalonians 2:15 NKJV

Paul is writing to the Thessalonians encouraging them and warning them to be aware of the deceit and lies of the enemy.

Satan's ultimate goal is to steal, kill and destroy the source of life that we have received in Christ Jesus.

We are to be aware not to fall into the trap that our enemy set. Instead, we are to hold fast the promises of God in Christ Jesus.

Everything that we hold on to got to be founded in and on Christ Jesus our Lord. No other foundation can hold us except Jesus Christ and all He has done for us.

Everything Jesus did for us, the enemy wants to steal it by getting our focus away from who we are in Christ Jesus.

The enemy wants to divert our attention from our new identity, our rights as a child of God and to whom we belong.

We have been bought through the blood of Jesus. Now we are sons and daughters of the kingdom of God.

We stand with the new promises and a new covenant in Christ and we put off our old nature to live in the supernatural power and love of God.

The tradition we hold on to and live is what Christ has laid for us. We need to rehearse it, meditate on it till it becomes part of us.

Then we would be so grounded in all that Jesus has done for us. This is so that we will not be persuaded by the voice of the enemy but be empowered by the voice of Our Father in heaven.

Let us be on guard against anything that comes against what Christ has done for us. Let us live our life in Christ Jesus our Lord.


Ambrose Francis


Hebrews 5:14 NKJV


Luke 12:40 NKJV