Luke 12:40 NKJV
Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”
Luke 12:40 NKJV
Jesus is teaching us to be ready in and out of season. To be ready to do His will, to be ready to meet Him and be ready to be Jesus to the world.
We must not get caught in a lie of the enemy that steals our stepping stones each day by letting down our identity or belief in God.
We grow in stages and step by step we move forward. Some steps may not feel like anything have changed but it's still an important step to move forward.
Everything we do and say counts in the kingdom of God. We are God's representatives not just for an hour or two but 24 hours.
This is not burdensome. Instead, it's a restful place in Christ. Christ did it all and invited us to rest in Him.
We are to rest in Christ all the time and do everything out of that place in Christ Jesus our Lord.
To be ready for Jesus is a place of acceptance of His finished work. It is to say yes to all He has done for us and a place of standing in Him all the days of our lives.
In Christ, we are ready by faith to be, to speak, to show and to demonstrate His power and glory.
We are born again to be ready to display God's love, grace and hope for mankind.
Ambrose Francis