I John 2:29 NKJV
“If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him.”
I John 2:29 NKJV
No one can claim that they believe in God but do not live their life like how their God wants them to live.
Knowing God as the righteous one makes no difference to us unless we live like Him.
There is no worth in knowing God as love if we will not allow ourselves to be loved by Him.
If we know and believe that God is righteous, then we should be people who practice, exercise, live out and display that righteousness in our lives.
When we practice what we have received then we become that which we have received.
We can receive a big house as a gift but if we refuse to live in it then we have lost the purpose of owning that house.
Everything that Jesus paid for us is so precious. But this precious gift becomes of no use if we only know but not make Him known in every part of our lives.
To be born of God is to be practicing God - to be the salt and light of God to the world.
We don’t really believe if we are not practicing it. If we are not practicing it then we cannot manifest this true born again experience.
But if we believe and put into practice intentionally all that we have received from God, then we can enjoy the true experience of being born again.
Everything that we have received will benefit us only if we put into practice.
Practice is a discipline that will make us wiser and sharper with the things God has given.
Let us put everything we have received in Jesus into practice so that we can manifest the righteousness of God.
Ps Ambrose