I Corinthians 3:8 NKJV
“Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labor.”
I Corinthians 3:8 NKJV
The bible teaches us that the one who plants and the who waters are one. Each action will produce the results.
The one who plants God’s word into their lives gives an opportunity to their lives for possibilities.
The one who waters that seed nurtures the seed to manifest the possibilities that are in the seed.
These two actions need to work together and one, doing only one part and leaving the other will not give us the results.
Each action has their own reward but it needs both actions to work together for it to come into its full cycle to produce the result.
When we receive the word of God and allow it to be planted into our hearts means we have received hope, have opportunity or substance to work with.
When we start directing our hearts and minds toward it in prayer and stirring our spirit man, that means we are now nurturing that seed for growth.
If we are not intentional with planting and watering diligently, we are not going to have results that we see God’s word speaks about.
Whatever will be, will be attitude will only produce whatever will be will be. But those who trust the seed, guard it, water it and do as He said will surely see a harvest up to a hundredfold.
In Christ we have become a good ground and God has given us good seeds. Start planting them in our lives, water them, guard them and see it come to its fruition.
Let us put our action together as one by planting and watering God’s word daily in our lives.
Ps Ambrose