Acts 8:6 NKJV
“And the multitudes with one accord heeded the things spoken by Philip, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did.”
Acts 8:6 NKJV
When Saul persecuted the followers of Jesus and consented to kill Stephen, the followers of Jesus were scattered to different places.
Though in the natural it seemed like devastation for the followers of Christ to be scattered around yet it is all working out for good for the kingdom of God.
This caused Philip to come to the city of Samaria. Jesus had sown the seed about who He is.
Jesus touched the Samaritan woman’s heart which caused her to bring the whole village to see Jesus.
Here is Philip in the natural running away from the enemy but fulfilling his purpose by watering and harvesting what Jesus has sown to him and through him.
The Bible states that they all are in one accord, heeding the things which are spoken by Philip.
One accord here is speaking about cooperating and coordinating in their lives according to what Philip was teaching.
Philip was confirming what Jesus spoke to the Samaritan through signs and wonders, proving the Messiah, Jesus Christ.
God can and will turn every situation to fulfil our destiny in Him if we trust and follow Him.
Philip was bold and passionate about the gospel of the kingdom and lives were transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit.
No matter what has happened in the past, rejections, words spoken, remarks that may have been made about us, and even mistakes we have done in the past, it will not stop us if we believe and keep following Jesus.
God has provided.
God has anointed and God has sent us as the salt and light of the earth. What we do about that matters, not only to us but to those who would hear about Jesus.
Let us continue to move forward in believing in God, and His promises, and be positive in God no matter what happens.
Ps Ambrose