Hebrews 10:38 NKJV
“Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him.”
Hebrews 10:38 NKJV
Now the just shall live by faith. We believers live in the justification that Jesus has done for us.
We live by faith in every victory, freedom, power, grace, and authority that Jesus purchased for us.
We live believing in every step that Jesus has made for us to walk victorious and to reign with Him in this world.
And to shrink back from that is to move backward and that has its consequences.
Not that God would punish us for that but we ourselves are making choices to go backward to live in the punishment that was already there without the redemptive work of Christ.
It is impossible to please God without faith. Faith is believing and trusting someone who has made a way for us and who rewards us who remain in Him.
Apart from what Jesus has done, there is nothing that is acceptable before God. Apart from Jesus, everything else is of the seed of satan.
Everything that is of Jesus is of the seed of the Word of God. We are either with Jesus and live by His works or with satan and live by enemy's works.
God does not take pleasure in those who shrink back because the light of men and the hope of glory are moving forward in Christ.
Our Heavenly Father will be sad to see His own shrink back to destruction.
God wants us to live by faith in all that His Son Jesus Christ has done for us. That would be pleasing to Him.
Let us live life by faith as ones who have been justified, sanctified, strengthened, anointed, and empowered to live as children of God.
Ps Ambrose