John 15:27 NKJV
“And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning.”
John 15:27 NKJV
Jesus was speaking to the disciples about the Holy Spirit that will come and live in them.
God the Holy Spirit was in the beginning when everything was planned, purposed, and created.
Just as the disciples will bear witness of our Father and Jesus, so also would we who have the Spirit of God living in us.
To bear witness is a term used in the courtroom to testify of the truth. The Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of truth will testify of Jesus and His word.
We become one with the Holy Spirit to testify the glorious knowledge of Jesus no matter what the situation may be.
This is because we are one with Jesus and His Spirit who knows all things are living in us. So there is nothing to fear.
God the Holy Spirit will testify through us of His truth. Everyone who comes against us will be put to shame.
We have the power of the Holy Spirit and His wisdom to witness God’s goodness to everyone.
We can be bold to believe God will speak through us as we walk in the Spirit.
We can be confident that when the opportunity opens for us to share, God’s Spirit will testify as we speak in Jesus Name.
God has equipped us with His wisdom and His knowledge through His Spirit. Therefore, we can absolutely rely upon God’s Spirit to reveal the truth.
God has given us His precious word and it is packed with every answer to live in Him.
When we are confident to step out in faith, we will experience God’s wisdom and knowledge as it flows out of our mouths.
It will even surprise us and enlighten our hearts and minds of the things of God.
The unending wisdom, knowledge, power, and love are there for everyone who will put their confidence in Him.
Let us move in the Holy Spirit, trusting that all that is needed each day will flow through us and bless others.
Ps Ambrose