Daniel 11:32 NKJV
“Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.”
Daniel 11:32 NKJV
God established a covenant both old and new for a purpose. Each needed to be in place for all the prophecies to come true.
If we stand against the covenant of God, we cause ourselves to destruction.
That is why it is so important to know our God and the covenant He had made for mankind.
The old covenant is to prepare people to wait for God to save them.
The new covenant is to get His people to walk in Him, live in Him, and have our being in Him.
When we know with absolute confidence that God is in us and has empowered us to be an overcomer, we are a minister of the gospel to glorify Him here on earth.
Then only we will see the manifestation of His power every day in our lives.
Moses knew God and His ways. Therefore, he displayed the power of God for the world to see.
Because Moses knew God, he could follow His directions and lead others to the right path.
We are all called by God, anointed by God, and approved by God to do the works of Jesus.
But only those who know Him can carry out great exploits.
This shows how God is looking for each one of us to get to KNOW HIM so that all of Him can be displayed through all of us.
The manifestation of the miracles of God is dependent on us doing what He says.
We must not get entangled by our own wisdom and find ourselves against God’s covenant. Instead, let us seek Him and know Him.
This is so that we can walk with Jesus, by the power of His Spirit, and manifest His glory here on earth.
Ps Ambrose