I John 3:10 NKJV
“In this the children of God and the children of the devil are manifest: Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother.”
I John 3:10 NKJV
What is distinctively different between the people who believe in Jesus and the people who believe in other things?
Those who believe in Jesus PRACTICE what Jesus has done. Those who believe in the world and other things practice what they can naturally produce.
Therefore, if we are not practicing Jesus, we will not be able to manifest Jesus to the world.
If we argue, complain, and become a self-centered person, we are practicing the system of the world.
We are called to practice Jesus, and His power, and live in His glory.
We are called by God to put into action all that He has given to us.
If we don’t practice righteousness which we have received through Christ, we are not following God or obeying Him.
We automatically cancel all the blessings that Christ put on us if we don’t believe and don't practice all that He has done.
Those who do not love their brother are not practicing Jesus.
If we practice Jesus, we will love one another no matter what.
Those who honour, love, and do unto each other as Christ has done for us, are truly practicing Jesus in our lives.
A mark of a true believer is someone who practices all that Jesus has done.
Let us be doers of God’s word and put into practice all the power God has given us.
Ps Ambrose