Colossians 2:12 NKJV
“buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.”
Colossians 2:12 NKJV
Paul spoke to the Colossians not to be legalistic. He used the analogy of baptism that when we were baptised, we were buried.
All the attempts and works of the flesh died. No more living life to observe holiness but to live life in His holiness.
People decided to baptise because they have made a decision to reject sin which is the work of the flesh and reject satan and all of his works.
They publicly declare that they are a follower of Christ.
If their confession is true, then they cannot live life according to their flesh, observing laws and in keeping the rituals.
This is the reason they chose to be baptised, cut off from the old, and enter into the new in Christ.
Living out the victory, living out His power, the grace, and the abundance of heaven here on earth.
We don’t trust our work but the work that Christ Jesus has done for us.
Our faith is not in ourselves but in what Christ has done for us.
So beloved of the Lord, let us rise up in the work that Christ Jesus has purchased for us and trust in Him alone.
Ps Ambrose