Philemon 1:21 NKJV
“Having confidence in your obedience, I write to you, knowing that you will do even more than I say.”
Philemon 1:21 NKJV
Paul wrote a letter to Philemon concerning his runaway slave Onesimus, pleading with him to take him back, not as a slave but as a servant of the Lord.
Paul is confident in Philemon's obedience to follow what he is requesting. It is interesting to note obedience here is to come into agreement with what Paul has written.
This passage speaks so much of us.
A sinner turned into a saint in Christ Jesus.
A runaway into sonship in the Lord.
We are restored into God’s image so that we can serve the Lord with confidence, hope, and dignity in Christ and to fulfil His purpose.
Philemon's obedience is not from doing something so he can believe Paul but instead, he believes Paul’s letter resulting in him doing what is right.
Obedience is not about doing things first, but to BELIEVE first. Sometimes we major obedience in doing first but it starts by believing.
When we believe what Jesus has done for us, it will lead us to true obedience. Because if we believe the wrong things, we also will be doing the wrong things which is against God.
Therefore, it is important that we believe what Jesus has laid for us. Believe that we have received it all through Christ so that we can carry that out by living it.
Paul knew this very well. He was obeying God in persecuting the believers. He believed as a learned man of the Old Testament to preserve the tradition instead of pursuing the Saviour of the world.
What we believe in is important so that when we obey, it will not be in vain.
For too long the enemy has lied, manipulated, and kept believers from knowing their true power and authority.
It is time to rise up and believe in Jesus and in all that He HAS DONE.
Ps Ambrose