Isaiah 48:12 NKJV
Listen to Me, O Jacob, And Israel, My called: I am He, I am the First, I am also the Last.”
Isaiah 48:12 NKJV
God is revealing to us that He IS. This means that before the world was created He is, now He is, and forever He is.
God is not going to come up with something tomorrow. God is not going to create something tomorrow because He IS.
God is before, God is today and God is for tomorrow. What He thought in His mind before the foundation of the world will be manifested to those who walk in Him.
Do we know our God as HE IS or do we relate to Him only as the God who will be for us when in the time of need?
Do we pray to God like He doesn’t know about our situation or do we pray to God feeling assured that He has created something good for us?
Do we look to Him as One who does not have our solution in hand, and only after asking Him, do we hope He will do something about it?
Our God IS the source of all things and has prepared all that we will ever need before the foundation of the earth.
He is the great I AM. Do we have a relationship with the Great I Am?
If yes, then our life should reflect the Great I Am.
Our prayers should align with who He Is.
We preach the Gospel that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
God wants us to know that He has everything covered in Him, the miracles, the breakthroughs, and our destiny.
All we need to do is to walk in obedience and do as He says.
Ps Ambrose