John 16:6 NKJV
“But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart.”
John 16:6 NKJV
When Jesus talked about Him going back to the Father, the disciples were filled with sorrow.
But we know today that if Jesus remained, we would not have the spirit of God in us.
Therefore, it was the greatest plan for all mankind for Jesus to go back to the Father.
This means Jesus can be in everyone who believes in Him at the same time and in every place.
But at that moment, they were filled with sorrow instead of the greatest joy.
When we look at things naturally and feel something is being taken away from us, don’t be disheartened.
Keep seeking God and keep praising Him because all things will work together for good in the end for those who love Him.
When we trust God and His word, we must not give in to the things that happen around us. Instead, we keep our eyes on Him.
When something starts happening when we walk by faith, don’t stop even when it does not look good in the natural.
God is faithful and His word will never fail. Whatever He has said will produce abundance in our lives.
Let us be strengthened from the inside out, trusting in Jesus and all that He has done, and stand in Him till the end.
Ps Ambrose