Luke 1:64 NKJV
“Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue loosed, and he spoke, praising God.”
Luke 1:64 NKJV
When the angel Gabriel spoke the promise to Zachariah about him having a son, Zachariah did not believe, and the angel Gabriel caused Zachariah to lose his speech.
But when the day came when he had to name his son and the moment he wrote according to what God had said, his tongue was loosed and he began to speak.
Have we wondered why the angel has to mute Zachariah’s ability to speak? He was a priest serving in the temple of the Lord and he was a righteous man.
The only thing we can conclude is that he did not agree with the angel. I believe it has got to do with his confession.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Zachariah’s blessings to have a son might have been jeopardised by his negative words.
But the moment he wrote his son's name which was in agreement with God, God returned his speech and he praised God.
All the blessings of the Lord are yes and amen. If we don’t say yes to the word of God and amen by aligning our life with Him, we might be jeopardising the blessed life God has prepared.
We need to be careful what to say, as those things we say will come to pass.
Let us speak and align ourselves with God, don’t question Him but just obey.
Ps Ambrose