Acts 28:23 NKJV


So when they had appointed him a day, many came to him at his lodging, to whom he explained and solemnly testified of the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus from both the Law of Moses and the Prophets, from morning till evening.

Acts 28:23 NKJV

In this last chapter of Acts, Paul spent long hours teaching, explaining and showing the kingdom of God and Jesus as the King.

It is important to understand that a kingdom functions differently from a democracy. Every kingdom has its own culture.

A servant in a kingdom reflects the glory of that kingdom but a servant in a democratic country means nothing to them.

A kingdom is ruled by a king and he sets the rules, takes care of the prosperity of his people and their well-being.

People in that kingdom are blessed by their king as long they follow the king's orders. They will have food, shelter and protection.

Paul is teaching the believers that through Christ we all have become citizens of the kingdom of God. A King who loves us and gave His life for us.

He made us an heir of the kingdom and to be partakers of His divine nature. He gave us the keys, authority and power to operate in His kingdom.

This is the culture of God's kingdom. We are all children of God and are raised by Jesus to be sitting with Him to rule and reign with Him in this kingdom.

We cannot impose our way in God's kingdom. If we do, we cannot enjoy the benefits of the kingdom. We need to follow God's way, therefore, enjoy the blessings that God had prepared for His people.

As a King, Jesus gave us all rights to His kingdom and anointed us all with authority and power.

We don't exercise our own rights lest we become religious and unproductive.

We choose to exercise the Kingdom rights that are given to us so we become faithful citizens of God's kingdom.


Ps Ambrose


Ephesians 1:9 NKJV


I Corinthians 6:14 NKJV