Colossians 3:4 NKJV


When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.

Colossians 3:4 NKJV

This is the glorious news for all believers, that we will all appear with Him in glory. This glorious news is given now for us to hold on to it until the end.

Jesus spoke about the ten virgins with oil in their lamps. Five did not prepare enough to last through the night.

They missed the important moment that they were waiting for when they went out to get oil.

They missed the bridegroom.

It is so important for all believers to understand that we are all called for His purpose. There is no time to waste and there is no spare oil we can take from others.

We need to build our lives in God.

We cannot rest our faith in God through someone else.

We can get encouragement from the family of believers and friends but in the end, it is we who would need to walk this new life by ourselves with the power of the Holy Spirit.

We appear when Christ appears if we are still holding on to Christ, to His teachings and living lives according to His purpose.

In everything, there is a beginning and there is an ending.

In between the two, there is a process of holding on to Jesus in faith.

We often give thanks to the Lord for the end result we would receive in Christ but we miss out on the journey of living in Him when we find ourselves without any fruits.

When we give our lives to the Lord, the journey of a believer begins.

We fight through the storms.

We battle through every obstacle.

Yet we reach the end victorious.

Yes, we will reach our destiny in Christ.

Let us be vigilant in everything we do as a child of God, building our lives in the spirit and in His resurrection power.


Ambrose Francis


Galatians 5:6 NKJV


Acts 11:3 NKJV