Acts 11:3 NKJV


saying, “You went in to uncircumcised men and ate with them!”

Acts 11:3 NKJV

Peter came to Jerusalem to defend himself to the believers with regards to why he was found preaching to the Gentiles.

When a relationship with God becomes a religious ritual, we miss out on being 'Jesus' to the world.

Instead of spreading the gospel to every people group, to every race and tongue, we become greedy, selfish and prideful.

Here is Peter trying to defend himself about the very thing every believer is supposed to do.

If Jesus was there facing these people, they probably would have questioned Him too.

Jesus was questioned by the Pharisees and Sadducees but they were not believers of Jesus, yet these people who question Peter were believers.

If we are moving away from living the life of Jesus, we are moving into religion. Religion will kill, steal and destroy the very plan and purpose of God.

If we keep our eyes on the ceremonies and rituals instead of living the life of Jesus, we will be found standing against God.

They are so many people with so many different characters and personality. It can be an emotional and physiological challenge to face them with our strength.

This is why Jesus gave us His life, His power and His love so that we can face every person and every situation.

Let us keep our eyes on Jesus and model our life after Him so that we will not find ourselves in a place of fearing men and obeying religious rules.

It is time that we reflect Jesus in our lives, reflect Jesus in our churches and reflect Jesus in every institution.


Ambrose Francis


Colossians 3:4 NKJV


Psalms 45:6 NKJV