Malachi 3:8 NKJV
“Will a man rob God? Yet you have robbed Me! But you say, ‘In what way have we robbed You?’ In tithes and offerings.
Malachi 3:8 NKJV
This is something believers in their right mind will never do - to ROB the very God that we believe and worship. Yet we do.
The priest/servants of God are in the house of God as a result of answered prayers that believers who are the saints prayed.
We pray prayers like Lord teach us, show us, send us, send help, send labourers and missionaries to help spread your kingdom.
But very often we don't stand in support of what we prayed for. We ask God for many things that we don't have the heart to care for.
If we prayed for our spiritual growth and God sends His servants to help us grow in God. What do we do to take care of the messenger that God has sent?
What do we think God would expect us to do as our responsibility toward His messenger?
Will a man rob God? Unfortunately in many ways, we do rob God. We need to look after God's heart by respecting, providing and valuing the person God has sent to us.
The tithes are not meant for God, God does not need our money, He is never broke and the whole universe belongs to Him. The tithes are meant to take care of His servants whom He has sent to us.
How can we believe God for financial breakthroughs when we ROB God by not taking care of His will?
The truth about God's will is everything that God purpose is for our own benefit. If we don't follow His ways, we rob God and allow the enemy to steal away the fruits of our hands.
How can we rebuke the devourer when we devour what belongs to God? Something we need to think and pray about.
Let us take care by bringing the resources of our strength, skills, finances and giftings to bless each other in the kingdom of God.
Ambrose Francis