Revelation 14:12 NKJV
Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Revelation 14:12 NKJV
The saints are those who believed in Jesus and had endured trials, temptations and persecutions for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The faith that they hold on to had been tried, tested and proven to be true.
The faith that these saints of God hold on to is the faith of Jesus. It is not about their faith that is built on their works but it is their faith that is built on the gift of faith which is of Jesus.
We are called to live by faith and not by sight. Faith is believing that Jesus is faithful, His promises are true and all that He has said will come to pass.
One of the reasons we think we cannot do the things Jesus did is because we are looking at our own faith. We are looking at faith that is based on our prayers, fasting, our dedication and our works.
The kind of faith believers should live by is through the gift of faith which is of Jesus - the faith of God.
This faith is about believing in what God has done through Christ, believing in all that He has promised and doing what He has said.
The faith of Jesus is based, anchored and built upon Jesus and not us. Therefore, all of us can do the works that Jesus did and greater works shall we do because of the faith in Jesus.
We all have received THE measure of faith. Jesus is that faith for us. To live by faith is to live as Jesus lived, full of God's glory, grace, love, truth and power.
Let us focus on the faith of Jesus and live life in His glory forever.
Ambrose Francis