II Timothy 1:13 NKJV
Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.
II Timothy 1:13 NKJV
Paul is teaching Timothy about holding on to sound doctrine. This concept of "soundness" comes through the Greek root word hugiaino, which means health, safety and wholesomeness.
Everything that is of real health, real safety and wholesomeness come only from the One who created it, God Almighty.
Jesus Son of the living God came to earth to establish this for all mankind.
Therefore, Jesus Christ is the only One who is sound who can take us through every test of life and pass through every circumstance in life.
Paul had this revelation and encounter with Jesus that revolutionized his life forever that his teachings in Christ will be carried out today.
There is a pattern in everything, every builder follows a pattern of structure.
Our emotion has a pattern, our thinking has a pattern.
All of these patterns in life have to be brought together in Christ and be changed to the pattern Jesus laid for all mankind. This is so that it will be our life, our health, safety and wholesomeness in Him.
This life is to be lived in faith in Christ. Every word that Jesus taught us is to be lived in faith. Faith is putting Christ word into action and keep exercising whether we see any result or not.
Love in Christ.
To live our life in love with Jesus and doing everything because we love Him and serving the Lord because we love Jesus.
Therefore, we will not look toward men for any reward but our eyes are always on Him. Christ in me is all I need.
Ambrose Francis