Luke 6:47 NKJV
Whoever comes to Me, and hears My sayings and does them, I will show you whom he is like:
Luke 6:47 NKJV
To know our true identity and our purpose in life is to know Jesus, listen to Jesus and do as Jesus did. Jesus said, whoever comes to me, who hears my sayings and does them is the one who is going to live out who he really is.
Many people are searching for answers, reading books, sacrificing their life to earn some peace to find purpose.
There is one book which is none like others. This book reveals God and our purpose in life. This book is the BIBLE.
We should put more time studying the Bible more than any other book out there. Every book is written out of people's experience, knowledge and understanding. But the Bible is written by God's Holy Spirit through people yielded to Him.
I would give far more attention to the BIBLE than any other book out there. We thank God for people who have written powerful revelation from the word of God. We praise God for them but it should not replace God's own precious word.
Every one of us is uniquely fashioned by God for His purpose and He is the best person who can lead and show us who we really are.
We are all made to be part of the body of Christ therefore knowing Him, hearing Him and doing what He says will reveal our true purpose in life.
We must not limit ourselves by our own thinking according to our own personality but trust God to bring that about in our lives.
Let us not move away from His presence but let us keep listening and keep doing all that He has spoken.
Ambrose Francis