II Timothy 3:12 NKJV
“Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”
II Timothy 3:12 NKJV
For believers, things that are happening now and things that will happen in the world is not new news. These are news that the Lord has revealed to us through His word.
When we see and hear things like what’s happening in the world, it should spike faith into us because we know the end of the story - victory in Christ.
We have with us the blueprints of this world which is God’s word, if we are gripped with fear when we see what’s happening in the world, it means we don’t understand God’s word.
When we are persecuted, when we are pressed in every side and when we are hit by situations to shake us, we will remain unshaken because of the solid Rock of Christ.
We must not conclude our decisions based on current situations, because that’s not how the story ends.
The story always ends up Christ Jesus being the victorious one.
Don’t be alarmed with what’s happening around us but be armed with Jesus and His promises in all situations.
There is nothing new under the sun that God’s word doesn’t cover. If we search the scriptures of evil, pain and suffering, yes we will find them all over.
If we search the scriptures of our inheritance, the power and authority we have in Christ and how to stand in times of persecution, yes we will find them all over the scriptures.
The question is on which subject we are searching the scriptures for. It will inflict fear or will revive our faith in Christ.
If we search the scriptures of what trouble lies ahead, then that’s what we will get but if we search the scriptures that when it comes, how the church will look like and how we will reflect Christ, then that’s how we will be prepared.
Every great awakening in the past always had a history of persecution. When darkness covers the earth, the only one lighting up the earth are the believers of Christ Jesus.
Keep carrying the oil, keep trimming the wicks and keep shining Jesus to the world. No matter how hard the storm may blow, remember the story at the end, we will stand with Jesus.
Ps Ambrose