Proverbs 4:23 NKJV
“Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.”
Proverbs 4:23 NKJV
To guard our hearts covers many areas and one of it is to be watchful over our mind, will and emotions.
What we allow to affect our mind, will and emotions will eventually form our habits and alter our beliefs.
Those who have been hurt and betrayed, if they don’t forgive and be healed of those things, they will believe that they cannot forgive such a person.
We cannot run away from the issues of life but we can make a choice how we deal with it.
Important question, Which heart do we guard?
As a new creation in Christ, we have received a new image and the mind of Christ.
According to Galatians 2:20, we no longer live but Christ Jesus lives in us.
That is the heart we need to guard, we need to protect our mind, will and emotions to remain in the likeness of Christ.
In order to guard well, we need to know what we have received first.
Knowing Jesus and His kingdom is crucial for guarding the right thing.
Many guard wrong beliefs, wrong image of themselves with their whole heart.
Only the truth of God sets us free and brings us to fruitfulness.
The biggest danger is the deceptive work of satan that presents his work as close as possible to look like truth.
That was what happened to the religious leaders. They crucified the one whom they were teaching about.
Therefore, keep Jesus always first, firmly hold His finished work as a foundation so that we can build our lives strong and unshaken.
Ps Ambrose