I Thessalonians 4:7 NKJV
“For God did not call us to uncleanness, but in holiness.”
I Thessalonians 4:7 NKJV
Paul continued to encourage the Thessalonians that freedom in Christ is not to live in sin but to live in holiness.
The freedom that Christ gave to all who believe in Him has placed each one in His holiness.
Therefore, we live the holiness of Jesus, as the sanctified body able to carry and display His presence to the world.
It is foolish to live an unholy life when we are called and transformed to live a holy life.
The religious people tried to attain holiness by their works, which they could never attain.
But Christ has bestowed upon us His holiness.
We are graced to walk in holiness.
Don’t focus on sin, don’t focus on what we should abstain from but focus on God and His holiness.
By focusing on Christ's holiness, we will automatically discard the sinful habits.
Habits change when one changes their inner focus. Changing our identity from a sinner to a saint through Christ.
Christ HAS made us a saint through His death and resurrection.
When we change our identity, every habit will start to change.
Therefore, let us keep living in the holiness that Christ has given to us.
Ps Ambrose