James 1:4 NKJV
But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:4 NKJV
James was speaking about seeing everything the right way. Choosing to see the benefit of every situation. When we pray for patience, God is going to bring situations or will use the situations we are in to bring out the patience that we have in Christ. God is not going to give us more patience. We already have His patience in us. We have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us and one of the gifts is patience. Patience is an action we chose to manifest in the midst of a situation. Paitence can be released from within us when we choose to stand in our spiritual identity in Christ. When we take our place in Christ, all of heaven's patience flows. We must not take our eyes off Christ or be distracted. Peter was walking on water as long as his eyes was on Christ. But when he started to see the storms, he started to sink in. Paitence is of the Holy Spirit and He will train, teach and make us ready for the next chapter of our lives. We must remember not to tell God or ask God for more patience instead thank God for that patience He has given and grow that patience by setting our mind and heart in the abundance of Christ and not the flesh. What are we seeing, hearing and speaking today will determine who are we exalting and worshiping. Let us exalt God and see ourselves in Christ flowing in that paitence in every situation. Blessings Ambrose Francis