James 2:20 NKJV
But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith without works is dead? James 2:20 NKJV
The enemies try to do everything and anything to derail us from doing what God has said. This was the battle in the early believers and that battle continues today. We need to be conscious of two areas when it comes to this matter. What God has said and what we are supposed to do. God has shown us many things about who we are, our duty as His children, as His ambassador, we are His hands to the world. We say we have faith in God just like some of the early believers do but they did not do anything because they want to be moved by God to do it. For a more familiar word " I need to be led by the spirit" If God needs to lead us by His spirit in order to save the lost souls then the world should have been saved already because our Father would not stop until he gets that one last lost soul. If we are waiting to be led by the Holy Spirit to save the lost, that is having faith in God but no works. God is always moving, always saving and always reaching out to all mankind. Jesus gave His Father's word to us. "Go into all the world and preach, heal, baptize, cast out the devils and so on. If we are still waiting for the Holy Spirit to lead us, it's most likely we are not following Him. This is because the Holy Spirit is always carrying out the Father's heart to all souls. James said to the believers that faith is stepping out. And when we step out in faith, we are stepping into the flow of the Holy Spirit. Then we can see what we never have seen before, then we can feel the heartbeat of the Father. All this does not happen if our faith has no works. God's Spirit is always moving and we who are His children are saying we want to be led by the Spirit but not doing what we are saying. It is by FAITH that we need to step out and get involved with the works that Christ has started. We are His body therefore we all should be working together in Him. His Spirit is always at work, but we are not. We need to step out and believe by faith that the Holy Spirit will take us by the hand and lead us. James said don't be foolish, which is to be spiritually shallow, to think that we need to wait on God when God is waiting on us. The world is waiting, the hurting is waiting, the hungry is waiting, the dying is waiting and sadly the church is waiting too. The hand that suppose to give is waiting to receive. It is time to rise up and take our place, to move in faith with all that God has given to us. Let us put everything we have heard from God into action. Taking those steps in faith and allow the Holy Spirit to use our lives for Him to heal, deliver and restore. Blessings Ambrose Francis Xavier