John 14:26 NKJV
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.
John 14:26 NKJV
God the Holy Spirit was sent to us as a helper. In Greek, it is " parakletos" which also meant comforter and advocate.
Knowing the identity of the Holy Spirit is so important because we only can have the right understanding of what He is saying if we know His identity.
Many have confusion about the Holy Spirit - that He brings judgment and exposes sin to condemn a person.
It is our Heavenly Father who sends the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ and the Father are one. If there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus, then there is no condemnation found in the Holy Spirit.
God the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin for the purpose to bring us out of it so that we can live victorious over sin.
If we have the wrong image of the Holy Spirit, the enemy will use it to change our thoughts to bring condemnation instead of conviction.
God the Father cannot send something that is not Him. He sends Himself as the Holy Spirit to help us, comfort us, to be our advocate, to bring to our remembrance and to teach us the truth.
God's word teaches us that the truth we know will set us free and God the Holy Spirit is here to teach and lead us to freedom and not punishment or embarrassment before people.
We all have the best of the best teacher like no one else in the world. There is nothing we cannot learn unless we don't want to.
Let us learn from the Holy Spirit and be comforted by His guidance into God's truth.
Ambrose Francis