Romans 8:30 NKJV
Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.
Romans 8:30 NKJV
Our God is faithful and He never fails. What He has spoken, He will carry them through.
For the kingdom of God to manifest in our lives we need to believe, obey and trust what God has said.
We need to believe that we have been predestined by God to be His children. Predestined to reflect Jesus and glorify Jesus through our lives.
If we don't believe we have been predestined by God, then we will try to attain righteousness with our works and try to prove our righteousness through our sacrifices.
We need to believe that we have been called and set apart by God through His grace. We are called not because we have been qualified by our works. We are qualified because Jesus ticks all the boxes for us to be qualified.
We need to obey the call of God in our lives. Obey His voice every day when we hear His word through reading and through His Spirit.
To obey is to completely trust and rely on Him who called us and not on our own understanding or feelings.
We need to believe that we are justified by God for the just shall live by faith. We serve God as a justified person. We need to serve God with His robe of righteousness.
This is true humility because none of the work done through our lives is from us but from God. True humility is to put on the fullness of Jesus and what He has done for us.
Then we will see the glory of God manifest in our lives. God's glory is not manufactured here on the earthly dimension but in heaven.
We are carriers and distributors of His glory on this earth. Therefore, we live our life in Christ, through Christ and for Christ.
Ambrose Francis