James 2:2 NKJV
“For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes,”
James 2:2 NKJV
James taught believers not to treat people according to their earthly apparel, how they look or what they have in the natural.
James encourages the believers to look at each other as the citizens of the kingdom of God who have the same inheritance as a child of God.
We are to nurture people into living in God’s glorious kingdom and in His Word.
We are not to condemn, define or reject people based on their looks or what they have.
Those who judge people according to their outlook have fallen short of God’s glory themselves.
But those who always look at each other through the love and grace of God are those who live in the true grace of God.
James brings this point to the believers by first looking at Jesus, His faith and His glory as the measurement for all believers.
We are all measured by the grace of God, clothed with the same measure of His glory and receive the same inheritance as citizens of His Kingdom.
Therefore, we are to care, love and build each other in His love and grace.
The church is a place where we can practice to develop God’s image in each other.
Encouraging each other with the same respect, honour and grace so that we all can grow stronger together as His children.
Let us see each other as precious in the kingdom of God and love each other as Christ has loved us.
Ps Ambrose