Galatians 6:4 NKJV
“But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.”
Galatians 6:4 NKJV
The best way we grow in the image of God is to examine, test and cultivate every area of our lives according to God’s word.
By doing so, we will not be judgmental of others and will not compare ourselves with others.
This will keep us humble and respectful towards each other no matter what level of maturity we have in the Lord.
Being critical of people’s actions is of no good to us. It does not cultivate joy, love and peace.
But if we keep looking unto Jesus and what He has done for us, we become more graceful, firm and loving towards others.
We will lose focus on building ourselves if we keep looking at others. But if we pay attention to building ourselves in the Lord, joy will overflow in our hearts.
When we see results in the little steps we take in Christ, we become motivated to build ourselves more in what God has given.
Therefore, we become grateful, we understand others in the journey and become ministers of grace towards each other.
It all starts by bringing every part of us to alignment with what Christ has done for us.
Therefore, let us keep seeing ourselves in the likeness of Jesus and keep loving others in Christ.
Ps Ambrose