I Samuel 17:36 NKJV


Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God.”

I Samuel 17:36 NKJV

David has fought battles in his life that is not seen by the crowds, he has defended the work entrusted to him with his life when no one is watching.

David gave his all to whatever was entrusted to him and his commitment to it does not depend on the approval, applause of men neither is he doing it to be promoted.

David loved doing what was entrusted to him and he put his life on it. This is one of the reasons David was ready to take on the giant that defiled the armies of God.

David knew that His God had enabled him to take on anything that will come his way. He has seen it in his own life.

The battles we win and the battles we are fighting when no one sees is very important.

Those victories will build confidence and faith to face bigger giants that will come our way.

Sometimes the harder the enemy pushes, the greater the victory and more significant it is going to be for our personal journey.

When David faced Goliath, he dug deep into his history of victory and spoke in faith and boldness. Because for David, Goliath is another giant set to be slain by him.

Let us keep conquering battles every day and set up in us a gallery of God's goodness, faithfulness, power and love towards us.


Ps Ambrose


Matthew 16:17 NKJV


Luke 2:10 NKJV