Mark 1:3 NKJV
““The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; Make His paths straight.’ ””
Mark 1:3 NKJV
For Jesus to enter the earthly dominion, mankind needs to make ready the entrance to the earth.
John the Baptist was sent to turn the hearts of the people to needing a saviour.
Therefore, the entrance for Jesus to come into the world is the condition of man’s heart.
The condition of our hearts toward God and His promises is very important.
If we don’t believe what Jesus has done for us, we will struggle to receive it.
What Christ has done for us is so good beyond our imagination and it doesn’t make any sense in our natural minds.
Yet it is the truth and we need to condition our hearts to the good news that Christ our Saviour has brought into our lives.
The way we prepare our hearts towards God and His word will determine our stability, our endurance, our patience and our confidence in Christ.
Knowing God, having a relationship with Him and to know His desires will cause confidence to rise up within us.
Because we are God’s desire. We are His precious children and we are His delight.
We make straight our hearts according to the image of Christ.
Bringing members of our own body to alignment with Jesus Christ.
So that we will be always be ready to say yes to the guidance and leading of the Holy Spirit.
Ps Ambrose