Titus 2:13 NKJV


looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ,

Titus 2:13 NKJV

This is an invitation to all believers to keep our eyes, minds and heart towards our God and His promises that are before us.

If we don't participate in the invitation that God is calling us, then we are participating with the invitations of the world.

The lie that the enemy brings is that we have to participate with the world to live with the world.

The truth is the world God made before the fall is the ideal world. Therefore, to go back to the ideal world by keeping God's word and His structure as the absolute way.

The fallen world has pain, sickness, betrayal, greed, cheating and is full of evil. The enemy uses that to invite us to be unforgiving, to lust after things that are not meant for us.

But God invites us to His perfection, His love, His grace, His mercy and to be filled with His abundance.

What God has in store for us in His kingdom supersedes more than anything of this world.

There is nothing compared to all that God has in store for us His children when we lose something that is in the world.

Our emotions, our will and our desires take shape according to what we look at, what we hear and what we chose to obey.

Don't spend time on looking how to end our grieve and pain, don't spend time on what was lost but spend time looking, living and believing in Jesus as the Author of life.

Let us give all our attention to God's invitation to partake in His divine nature all the days of our lives.


Ps Ambrose


Isaiah 41:4‭ NKJV


Romans 7:6 NKJV