I Corinthians 16:16 NKJV
that you also submit to such, and to everyone who works and labors with us.
I Corinthians 16:16 NKJV
Submission is not a popular word or action that people are customised to. This is because of the abuse and manipulations that have gone with it in the past decade.
Yet it is so important to submit and have godly submission to godly leadership for kingdom purposes.
Paul called the church in Corinth to submit to the purposes of God with regards to the arrangements that he made which is for the benefit of all.
Submission in the kingdom of God is a powerful force and it helps to achieve the purposes of God.
How do we discern godly leadership so that we can submit? Godly leadership will always focus on kingdom expansion and not self-gratification.
Submission is always toward the growth of the entire church, to help every person to grow stronger in God and to fulfil God's purpose in their lives.
We have to be careful not to reject submission because we have been abused in the past as God always brings people together for His purpose to be fulfilled.
To come together in unity means each one including the leaders must leave behind their own agenda and be united together and submit to the purposes of God as a body of Christ.
People who refuse to submit will miss out on the blessings that God has set for the community.
As the scriptures says, one can put a thousand to flight and two can put ten thousand to flight. It is not a double blessing but a hundredfold blessing.
Unity is always found in a group that is submitted to a vision and division is always found in a group that does not want to submit to the vision.
Let us submit ourselves to godly leadership and godly vision that will bless us to grow from strength to strength.
Ps Ambrose