Hebrews 10:36 NKJV
For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:
Hebrews 10:36 NKJV
This passage encourages and stirs our capacity of endurance that is within to finish the assignments God has set for us.
Endurance is so needed in our generation today.
We are losing that precious gift and ability to persevere and endure.
Today's generation cannot take the pressure, cannot stand hardships and collapse when the storms of life hit them.
Endurance is needed in every relationship, in reaching our goal, and above all, it is needed in fulfilling all that God has for our lives.
The process from seed to producing fruits goes through endurance. Seed to fruit does not happen overnight. It takes time to germinate, break out of the shell, roots to dig deep in search of nutrients and grow to a tree that bears fruits.
Every promise of God is a seed that requires our ability to take it, endure it and persevere through the process to enjoy it at the end.
Endurance is a powerful gift. When it is cultivated it produces good character, stability and accountability.
People today give up so easily over every small thing, feeling hurt and rejected. They can't face another day with their head held up high.
We need to cultivate this precious gift so we can face every storm that comes our way.
Let us with endurance, keep pressing on till we finish every assignment that God has spoken to us.
Ps Ambrose