Romans 9:6 NKJV


But it is not that the word of God has taken no effect. For they are not all Israel who are of Israel,

Romans 9:6 NKJV

Abraham had children and only one is of the promise. Isaac is a child from the word of promise. The promise applies to those who are of the seed.

Today, all who believe in Christ become children of the promise, children of the word.

God's word will and always come to pass. It may take longer than we expect but it will never fail.

The word of God is a seed or like bread for food. The seed has the capacity to produce thousands of fruit but it will not if it is not planted, watered and nurtured.

The same goes for food, a table full of food will not fill our hunger if we don't take it, bite it, chew and eat it.

In the same way, the word of God has the capacity and power to produce every knowledge, wisdom and understanding in every circumstance of our lives.

Though the word of God is alive and powerful, it does nothing unless we BELIEVE, obey and walk by it.

To believe is not just confessing and memorising but to be applying it in the way we approach things, speak things, imagine things, do things and make decisions by the word of God.

Then we will see the word of God that is full of life and power starts to manifest in every area of our lives.

Sometimes God gives the miracles we need and sometimes God empowers us for the miracles.

But everything starts by believing in Him and His word above all else.

Let us continue to trust, believe and have faith in God by applying the word in every area of our lives. Let our thoughts be seasoned with the words spoken and our life a reflection of God and His promises.


Ps Ambrose


Psalms 91:2 NKJV


Romans 7:2 NKJV