John 17:10 NKJV
“And all Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine, and I am glorified in them.”
John 17:10 NKJV
We have the privilege of knowing the conversation Jesus had with His Father concerning us through this verse.
This passage reveals where His glory is revealed, His glory is revealed in every believer who believes and follow Jesus Christ as their Lord.
When we live as the redeemed people of God, His glory is revealed.
When we live according to what Jesus has done, we are living in His glory.
The Father’s glory is given and manifested through Jesus Christ. Jesus now has given that same glory to us.
It is now our responsibility to reveal the glory of God to the world.
Jesus fulfilled and manifested His Father’s glory. Now it’s our turn to manifest the glory that Jesus have put in us.
“For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.”
This is who we are now in Christ Jesus. We are His glory and every opportunity we get, we can reveal His glory.
Let us therefore move in the power of His Spirit and let the world know how great and awesome is our God.
Ps Ambrose