II Peter 1:13 NKJV


Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you, II Peter 1:13 NKJV

Athletes of any kind have a personal trainer who watches over their progress. The trainer trains the athletes in areas that need to be strengthened. In order to stretch to the next level, the trainer raises the bar higher so that the athletes get stronger, faster and better than before. This is a common practice that coaches and trainers do. It's understood that all the coach or trainer are trying to do is to develop the potential that is in athletes. The Apostle Peter reminds us again before his death that this is an important area of our lives. We are all in this race together and we are all soldiers of Christ. We are all, as Apostle Peter said, called to stir each other and remind each other to grow stronger, closer and in an active relationship with God and with one another. The word "to stir you up" in Greek is diegeirein humas, which means to wake out of sleep or to keep on rising up. This is so important because being in God or resting in God's nature without active engagement with one another will cause us to fall asleep spiritually. We then become hearers of the word but not doers of the word. We will have the form of godliness but no power. We know the truth but we are not activated in it. We must be aware and be awakened in our spirit to stir each other up in the Lord. Lifting each other, stretching each other and help to push boundaries so that the power of God and His characteristic will shine through our lives. This may be challenging, uncomfortable and sometimes hard. But this is something we know we have to do to take part in it. Let us, therefore, keep on rousing each other and wake each other up in the Spirit of the Lord. Blessings Ambrose Francis Xavier


1 Corinthians 15:19 TPT


Ephesians 1:8 NKJV