Isaiah 62:3 NKJV
You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. Isaiah 62:3 NKJV
This prophecy, spoken by Isaiah the prophet is the fulfilment of what Christ Jesus made for everyone that will receive Him as Lord. Every born again child of God is entitled to receive this life. It is a free gift from God to all mankind. We are crowned in glory in Christ Jesus. This is our position and our rightful place. This is not something we have achieved but it is crowned by God. In the past, prophets prophesied of the blessings that we are living today. It is really a grateful place to be and live in. God said that we are a royal diadem in His right hand. It speaks of victory, authority and a new identity. This is such a powerful truth that echoes throughout the message that Christ displayed in us. This victory is ours by grace. It is held in God's own hand that no enemy can snatch it away. This crown of victory is placed on us by Jesus. The only way we can lose this grace and glorious life is by rejecting Jesus Christ. But by choosing to live in Jesus is to live in God's glory and in His abundance, propelling us to live to our highest potential. This is the life that we must uphold it in our lives. Every battle we face and every challenge that comes our way, we are destined to be victorious. Let us treasure and value the life we have in Christ by living it daily. So that every move we make glorifies our Creator. Blessings Ambrose Francis Xavier