Hebrews 5:9 NKJV


And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him, Hebrews 5:9 NKJV

Jesus is born as a promised made by God in Genesis 3:15 that God would come by His own seed through a woman. This woman who yielded that seed was Mary, who gave birth to Jesus. Jesus grew to perfection as an offering to mankind by being tempted in every way yet without sin. At the same time, Jesus is our high priest who is the only perfect mediator between God and mankind. Jesus is the only One who is able to present mankind to God as a high priest and be the sacrifice that is perfect to redeem mankind. Jesus did not receive His appointment from men or the institution on the earth but was appointed and set apart by God for this very purpose. Jesus became the author of eternal salvation to those who would obey and believe in Him. The reason Jesus is the only way is because He is the promised One, the perfect sacrifice and the One who died and rose again for all mankind. Because of Jesus' death and resurrection, what was once impossible for men is now made possible through Christ. Now man can be saved through Jesus Christ and be restored as sons and daughters of the most high God. When we follow Jesus, obey His word and follow the new commandments. We will be able to live in the abundance of God and become a blessing to all. Jesus is our High Priest who has brought us into fellowship with our Father and restored our inheritance as God's children. Let us continue to hold strong, keep building ourselves in Christ and flow in the abundance of God daily. Blessings


Jude 1:21 AMP


Colossians 1:9 NKJV