Acts 11:9 NKJV
“But the voice answered me again from heaven, ‘What God has cleansed you must not call common.’” Acts 11:9 NKJV
Peter was challenged by the Jewish believer about eating, drinking and associating with uncircumcised men. Peter explains to them about his vision and what he saw. God brought down all the unclean animals and told Peter to kill it and eat it. Because Peter was rooted in his Jewish customs, he knew what God was saying to him. There are many customs that Peter grew up with that needs to be put aside when it is contrary to what God is saying. Peter who said to Jesus “Where can we go Lord? You have the word of eternal life” can tell God in the vision “no Lord". The voice from heaven spoke to Peter, saying, "What I have cleansed, you must not call common or unclean." When God speaks and gives directions to us, we can do it confidently even if it is against our customs or our beliefs. Everything that God speaks is pure and it is approved for us to carry it out. We all have some sort of customs or traditions in our lives that have moulded our beliefs and lifestyle. Whatever it may be, God’s word must take the first place above our customs or traditions. Excuses that we give for not doing what God says comes from a tradition or customs that we have built throughout our lives. The life that God has called us cannot be disputed and has no excuses. Jesus has spoken about who we are in Him and what we have to do and we cannot call it common as Jesus has called us to be set apart. Let us obey God at His word and by faith do them with all of our hearts. Blessings