Romans 3:25 NKJV
whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed,
Romans 3:25 NKJV
The scriptures show us how great is the Lord's mercy, love and forbearance to save us. He passed over all our sins that produce eternal death by His own blood.
The first Passover took place in the Bible when God protected the firstborn of the Israelites from being killed. The blood of the lamb on their doorpost stopped the angel of death from killing the firstborn.
Today by faith in Christ Jesus we believers have been bought through the blood and have passed over from death to eternal life.
In Christ Jesus, we have the complete Passover that no ritual can compete or compare.
By faith in Jesus and all that He has done, we have been passed over from a fleshy being to a spiritual being, from a slave to a son, from defeat to victory, from sickness to health and from death to life forevermore.
We have passed over from every influence of satan in this world and his effects to the influence, guidance and power of God.
God has wiped out our past, present and future sins to present us as someone who has passed over every judgement through His blood.
This is so important for us to believe so that we will never turn back to a sinful life but thrive in the new life that we all have received in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Let us continue living the new life in Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
Ps Ambrose